Henni and Chris

Welcome Everyone,

my name is Henni and welcome to my blog. I created inside or outside to share my love for good food with the world, whether that is served in a restaurant or cooked at home. My partner Chris and I live in Luxembourg, a tiny country right in the center of Europe, and we share the love for eating, traveling and adventure.

Inside or outside? is a question we have actually come across a lot of times while traveling or at home..."Would you like a table inside or outside?"..."Honey, where do you wanna eat, inside or outside?"...and most of the time our answer would be "outside", when the weather permits it of course.

A great price-quality ratio is essential for me and I always strive to find the best restaurants and hotels, whether that´s just for me, my family or my friends. Everybody should have the best possible experience, no matter their budget or taste.

On this blog you will find some of my recommendations, favorites, things I can't live without; but I will also share the truth should they fall short. We are really glad that you have found the way to inside or outside. Feel free to contact us or subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with what is going on at inside or outside.

I love food and traveling but to my own disappointment I can be picky sometimes. I admire and envy people who eat everything but unfortunately that is not me, though I try everything. Luckily, Chris is an omnivore and his open attitude to food as helped me to venture out of my comfort zone, which is mostly vegetarian food. I guess I am what is known today as a "flexitarian", though I do not really like to put myself in a box.

I love vegetables (except mushrooms) and do like meat and fish from time to time, but I am very conscious about the quality and origin. Nobody should have to apologize for their food likes and dislikes, and we would like to use this space to share the things we love, together or individually.

Rating System

One of the driving factors for creating inside or outside was to give people a space where they could look for great restaurants and hotels. With Luxembourg being quite small and expensive, it is sometimes difficult to get the best bang for your buck or anywhere else in the world for that matter. Something I really dislike is having to pay a lot of money for mediocre or bad food or lodging. So wherever I go, I strive to find places with good food and rooms.

It was pretty clear from the beginning that the website would need to include a rating system. After giving it some thought, I chose a rating system out of 10, instead of the popular "out of 5" rating as we know them from Google or Amazon. This gives me the ability to differentiate some more and hopefully give the reader a more accurate impression of the establishment. It is by no means my goal to bash or put down a business, I just give my honest opinion based on my impressions based on the reality on the ground as well as my gut feeling. When I can, I like to visit a restaurant or hotel multiple times to give them the best shot possible because we are all humans, and we can all have a bad day.

  • 10 absolutely incredible

  • 9 amazing

  • 8 great

  • 7 good

  • 6 ok

  • 5 passable

  • 4 below average

  • 3 not recommendable

  • 2 just no

  • 1 BIG NO


Chris is the mastermind behind the website and without him, his knowledge and his patience, this would have not been possible. He has built the website from scratch, spending hours upon hours, and sometimes even nights, on the computer writing code and this has also been a great learning experience for him. Though working in IT, this was the first time he has actually developed a website. We are very happy with what we have achieved so far but are always evaluating and figuring things out, so should you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know.

Cookies and Data

inside or outside does currently not apply any cookies to the website. The only information that is collected is the information freely provided by the users when contacting us or by subscribing to our newsletter. We are also currently not running any ads. These policies can of course change along the way, but this section will be updated should there be any changes.